Run No. 12 You just had to be there

Run no. 12     Distance :  4.53 miles Time :  (forgot my watch, no really!)

Up at 0630 out at 0650 as it has been hot the past few days.


Somewhat hesitant to run as my heels (Achilles tendons) have been a bit tender. Ironically this is not a running injury, but from a long walk in uncushioned shoes.

I have been treating with an ice pack and it seems on the mend. But having had big problems in the past, I am somewhat nervous.


As I got into my rhythm my mood was not improved by seeing my reflection in a shop window. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the …. In the name of the wee man ! (As they expostulate in Glasgow).


The rather portly old gentleman, stared back at me mercilessly.


A friend of mine describes attractive young people as ‘those whose containment field is still intact’. On the evidence my own containment field is well and truly blown, and almost certainly beyond repair!


As I recovered from this sledgehammer blow to my self-esteem, I reflected on the fact that at least I was out in the fresh air, still recognisably running on a sunny morning in a lovely spot. It was being there that was the important thing.


This started a thought about how wonderful the past day has been. All my three sons and one of their girlfriends are visiting. So far we haven’t done anything, not visited anywhere, not seen any sites, not been out for medals; we have just enjoyed, delighted even, the simple fact of being together. This happens only once or twice a year now, so these times are increasingly precious.


This reminded me that Christian prayer should be understood in this way.

What is important is not what we say, but who we are with.


I have not met any VIPs in a one to one setting, and I have no desire to do so. But should that ever occur, I am sure my friends will not be very interested in what I said, but rather, what did they say, what were they like, what was being with them like?


In prayer we meet with the nec plus ultra of VIPs. Hence, our words, our thoughts, our contributions are of far lesser importance than what He says to us, what we pick up from simply being in His presence.


As a loving father I simply delight in my boys being with me. I’m pretty sure God feels the same way. Prayer is primarily about presence, being with God.


Prayer – you just have to be there.